Thursday, March 22, 2007

Restart? NEVER!

Dont you hate this little guy?

No matter what you tell it, it just wont leave you alone, will it? You can click 'Restart Later', but if your a regular windows user, you know damn well that that wont do much good. The dialog just comes back after 3 minutes.

What Ive been doing is dragging it to the bottom right of the screen all the way off the desktop, so that just a little bit of the top left of the dialog is showing.

That seems to work pretty good, but it still bugs me. In the back of my mind, I still know its right there waiting for me. GUH.

Well, thankfully, I just found a nice little command that will get rid of it. If you ever want to totally get rid of the dialog without having to worry about it popping back up and taunt you later, simply open your Run box, or get to a command line and just enter this command:

sc stop wuauserv

That should get rid of the current dialog, the system tray icon, and also make it so it wont come back up again.

Just one more tip.... dont forget to restart the system! Ha.

[Via Digital Inspiration]

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